by Ed Kilgore, March 22, 2010 12:42 PM EST
Just over a month ago, Jon Chait of TNR
predicted that conservatives would "freak out" if and when health reform legislation was indeed enacted. Aside from the fact that many of them have been drinking their own kool-aid about the allegedly totalitarian implications of a health care system that would maintain America's uniquely capitalist orientation towards health services, conservatives spent far too much celebrating the death of reform to accept its resurrection.
I don't believe in spending too much time on schadenfreude, but it has been interesting to see the absolute shock with which some conservatives and tea party activists have reacted to last night's vote. My favorite reaction is this from Newt Gingrich, posted on the Human Events site:
This will not stand.
No one should be confused about the outcome of Sunday's vote
This is not the end of the fight it is the beginning of the fight.
The American people spoke decisively against a big government, high tax, Washington knows best, pro trial lawyer centralized bureaucratic health system
In every recent poll the vast majority of Americans opposed this monstrosity
Speaker Pelosi knew the country was against the bill. That is why she kept her members trapped in Washington and forced a vote on Sunday.
She knew if she let the members go home their constituents would convince them to vote no.
The Obama-Pelosi-Reid machine combined the radicalism of Alinsky, the corruption of Springfield and the machine power politics of Chicago.
Sunday was a pressured, bought, intimidated vote worthy of Hugo Chavez but unworthy of the United States of America.
It is hard to imagine how much pressure they brought to bear on congressman Stupak to get him to accept a cynical, phony clearly illegal and unconstitutional executive order on abortion. The ruthlessness and inhumanity of the Obama-Pelosi-Reid machine was most clearly on display in their public humiliation of Stupak.
Hugo Chavez! Saul Alinsky! A six-adjective sentence ("big government, high tax, Washington knows best, pro trial lawyer centralized bureaucratic health system")! The end of civilization as we know it!
This is the same Newt Gingrich, mind you, who led a Republican-controlled Congress over the brink in 1995 and 1996 in the pursuit of extremely unpopular policies, arguing he had a mandate from the electorate to carry out a conservative revolution. And this is the same Newt Gingrich who increased the power of the Speaker's Office to levels not seen since the days of "Czar" Reed, all but abolishing the seniority system and making loyalty to the Speaker and the Caucus' agenda the only criterion for advancement. As for "intimidation": wonder what Gingrich thought of those Republicans who placed photos of defeated 1994 Democrats on the seats of wavering Democratic Members yesterday?