White House fires back at Rove over e-mails sent during healthcare push
By Tony Romm - 03/22/10 12:07 PM ET
The White House is deflecting criticism that it dispatched thousands of e-mails to "drum up support" for healthcare reform.
Karl Rove, former President George W. Bush's political adviser, has criticized the e-mails, some of which were sent to federal employees, and suggested the White House may have violated a federal law.
The e-mails would typically conflict with the Hatch Act, which prohibits government officials from using their e-mail resources to promote political activity.
But White House new media chief Macon Phillips stressed on Sunday no such violation occurred, as those getting the e-mails can choose not to receive them. He also blasted Rove for making "false" comments.
"Take, for example, recent outlandish and false allegations in the news that the White House has sent unsolicited emails to drum up support for reform," Phillips wrote on the White House blog, just hours before the House passed the healthcare bill.
"Let's be clear -- and done -- with this incorrect claim: the White House only sends mass messages to email addresses submitted through email signup forms on WhiteHouse.gov," he said. "And every message we send has a clear unsubscribe link at the footer to stop receiving messages at any time."
"This is simply not true and unless Mr. Rove can point to a White House email making this request of anyone, federal employee or otherwise, he should correct this dangerous and inaccurate assertion," Phillips added.more...