I fully think the Republicans are spinning out of control now that the tables have turned. No matter what they try to say to make the current health care bill to be seen as something to be repealed (with asshatters like Bachmann, Boehner, Limbaugh, Cantor and Steele at the RNC helm), there is real opportunity to absolutely obliterate them in the November elections. For every Republican who voted against the Stimulus but show up for ribbon-cutting events, we have you front and center as hypocrites. For all those who will vote against the millions who will be getting coverage with pre-existing conditions, there is no meatier message to skewer the Republicans with than that.
We have all the parts and pieces to make very strong messages ensuring voters in 2010 that the Republicans are literally out of the mainstream and a tiring example of retreaded Bush family ideologies and greedy out of control fatcats.