UPDATE: Just found on Craigslist: a cozy cabin! At $325/mo we can house Rush for 6 mo. Only $1950! Keep the donations coming. THANK YOU.
Recently, a number of interesting things happened. First, Rush Limbaugh said on his radio show that if the Healthcare Reform Bill passed, he would go to Costa Rica. Second, the Healthcare Reform Bill passed. As you can imagine, this has made a number of people very excited. We are among that number. We want to make sure that Rush is able to make good on his promise, and so we've made this website.
Here's how this is going to work:
1. We're accepting 1 dollar PayPal donations to buy Rush a one-way ticket to Costa Rica. We are currently accepting donations.
2. At the end of the donation period*, we will attempt to personally contact Rush, and offer to buy him a first-class plane ticket from Palm Beach International Airport to San Jose International Airport, Costa Rica.
3. If Rush does get cold feet**, and refuses to move to Costa Rica, we will instead donate all of the money to the Planned Parenthood Action Center.
4. Additionally, if we make more money than the cost of a ticket, or if we don't make enough money for a ticket, everything will still go to Planned Parenthood.
*Donation period will run until April 30th, 2010. That's like, more than 4 weeks notice for the guy.
**Rush has publicized that he never said he would move to Costa Rica. However, we still think it's a good idea.
FYI - payments made with a credit card incur a .33 fee. Use your PayPal balance or bank account if you can!
We have raised $2,000 so far towards the price of a one-way first-class ticket to Costa Rica.
What if you want to donate more than $1?
You can email us to arrange that; FYI we'd love to talk, but a response might take a little while. Don't give up hope!
Where's the "Share This On Facebook" button?
Are we affiliated with Planned Parenthood?
How do you know we won't just buy a plane ticket for ourselves?
Well...we can't give you anything other than our word. But if you'd rather donate direct to Planned Parenthood, you should.
Are we really going to contact Rush?
Absolutely. We'll video-tape and post the results here. We promise.
Who are we?
We are Mike and Patrick. We are two dudes living in Brooklyn. We don't have health insurance.
http://www.aticketforrush.com/edit: This is sooooooooooo funny. To bad we can't make Rush's dream come true.