I felt using their term is fitting for this and I find that this bill has many good things and most of which start immediately, other great things take some time to start. But the key thing that will win it for the democrats, and there fore win over Republican voters not even just Independents---although I can see them assuming it to be reparations. It is simply, the Rebate Check to close the donut hole in medicare. Anyone with a grandparents, or one parent, or knows an elderly neighbor or anyone on medicare (parents and so on) and they hear their neighbor received a rebate check----will start believing Obama does not want to put their parents or family members on death panels but actually wants to help. And from here we will see a domino affect. The elderly or those on medicare won't pass this up because they need it.
Once it starts with the older people will move down little by little. Many will still revolt from it, stupidly. But the GOP will be massacred in November because of it. People will ask them these questions and say, "You told me they would cut medicare. I received money back. You lied!" And it will be a cycle.
It will turn into a mess in November because everyone on Medicare will have had their checks and it will fuck up the GOP.