As I've said before, I'm not fond of taking ONE poll as a true indicator of the public view on any one person or topic. But if you take them together ... or look at trends over time, they'll tell you the real story.
Even with the President seeing his approval numbers at the lowest they've been. His CONSTANT hovering around 50 for the last few months is significant, COMPARED TO THE REST OF THE BELTWAY.
Obama Approval Way Ahead of Nearly Everyone ElseA new Bloomberg Poll finds President Obama "receives lukewarm approval ratings from Americans, at least until you compare him with other major political figures and institutions."
Fifty percent approve of the job Obama is doing, down from 54% in December.
However, those favorability numbers "look solid when compared with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, 2008 Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney and both political parties, with voters unhappy about what's happening in Washington and the direction the nation is heading."
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