Brave New Health Care World
Published: March 24, 2010
There we were, minding our own business, when all of a sudden, whammo, health care got reformed.
Really, it was quite a shock. I guess it was because of the new president, Barack Obama, who is so much more decisive and take-chargey than the old president, Barack Obama. And, of course, he was helped by the speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, who is strong and brave and pure of heart. As opposed to that party hack, whatshername. Hated her.
The American people certainly seemed impressed, giving thumbs up to the new law in public opinion polls. Since the polls had been showing that they were strongly opposed to that very same plan last week, we can only presume that we have also acquired a whole new set of Americans.
Really, there is just so much transformation a person can handle. One day you go to bed worrying about death panels. Next day you wake up and health care reform is so trendy that the coolest spring accessory is a pre-existing condition. :)
We can only handle so much newness at once. So it’s been comforting to return to the U.S. Senate and find that it’s exactly as insane as it was last month and the month before that.