See, I personally want to "do" something about the lying GOP, the lying media and to support our Dem Congresscritters at this time, rather than sit on my laurels and just chillax enjoying Easter. I know that the Teabagging Republicans aren't gonna be sitting still, cause you see, at this time, they are desperate; these Republican Domestic Terrorists (let's just call them what they are).
Perhaps this is a lousy idea, but what if Move-on, Unions, DFA, OFA, and all other plain ordinary citizens who support Democrats were to find themselves at any and all venue that the republican Activist-Terrorists might want to protest at, especially like town hall meetings of Democratic congresscritters that voted FOR the Bill?
What if we were to show them and our congressfolks and the media our own spine and our stamina, i.e., a preview of the November 2010 election; not so much as what the Congress has just accomplished (voted on this HCR Bill), but rather for future votes on other issues they may be confronted with soon enough, and to show disapproval of the actions of the Domestic Republican Terrorists up to this point. Perhaps we need to let everyone know that Domestic teabagging Terrorists don't own the cornermarket on activism, and even now, that the Domestic Terrorists aren't going to be the only ones to show up with a message now, or on election day, and that the Domestic Terrorists cannot intimidate us or those elected to represent us! The difference of course, is that we will be peaceful and organized, maybe singing "Fired up, ready to go" and "We shall Overcome!"
I'm serious.
If the Media wants something to talk about, then let them talk about some of that, since they appear to to be breaking their backs over backwards to provide "balance" to Domestic Terrorism as simply a mild back and forth spat brought on by passion for an issue.
Why do I suggest this? Cause I'm tired of the propaganda and the lies from the GOP and their media! We can't just sit there and allow them to get away with this bullshit by pointing their fingers at us as though we are their fucking decoy! No fucking way! :grr: