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President wins early spin battle

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babylonsister Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-26-10 10:13 AM
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President wins early spin battle

President wins early spin battle
By Sam Youngman - 03/26/10 08:58 AM ET

After months of playing defense, Democrats are now dominating the message war on healthcare reform.


The president and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) have launched a series of opening salvos, ranging from radio and television ads to Obama’s trip to Iowa on Thursday.

Even though the dust will take months to settle over the long and vitriolic debate, there is a sense that Republicans peaked too early in the 2010 cycle, with the high point being Scott Brown’s win in Massachusetts.

Another reason why Republicans are getting pummeled in the message war is because many of them are still stunned the bill has become law.

Congressional Republicans last Sunday afternoon had high hopes that Democrats would fall short in getting the votes in the House, according to a Republican legislator speaking on background.

When the bill passed, Republicans were caught flat-footed.

Ross Baker, an expert on the presidency and a professor at Rutgers University, said GOP leaders acted all along as if they were going to be on the winning side.

Baker and other political observers warned that Republicans, if they continue to push for repealing the bill, will risk appearing as obstructionists as Obama and congressional Democrats work to get things done.


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Jennicut Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-26-10 10:20 AM
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1. They overplayed their hand. Frum pointed this out to them and was fired from
AEI. They didn't want to listen. Too bad for them but good for us.
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cilla4progress Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-26-10 10:48 AM
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2. Well, the thing the Dems can count on
is Obama's continuing high popularity and "trustworthiness." It's our ace in the hole, and when he came out in person for that 2-week campaign leading up to the vote, it was in the bag!

I believe this will continue to be "our" strategy up and through 2010 elections. I predict both the House and Senate remain in Dem control, and am going to do everything in MY power to lock it up!
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samsingh Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-26-10 10:54 AM
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3. repugs are obstructionists and worse
Against God
Generally Stupid
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