What have YOU accomplished over the past 61 weeks?
In 61 weeks, President Obama has:
- Signed a landmark Health Insurance Reform bill, something that a dozen Presidents couldn't accomplish in nearly 100 years of trying.
- Reformed the Federal Student Loan program, cutting out the middleman, which will put the 7% that banks were skimming off the top back into the federal coffers... a savings of billions and billions without negatively affecting consumers in ANY way.
- A major nuclear arms treaty that cuts back significantly on the number of warheads we must maintain, saving the country billions of dollars with no negative impact whatsoever (we go from being able to destroy the world 15 times over to "only" being able to do it 10 times over).
- Appointed the nation's first hispanic Supreme Court justice.
- Saved the American automobile industry from collapse.
- Averted a second Great Depression.
- Increased America's standing in the world (except for in Israel).
- Captured or killed more terrorists than the Bush administration did in the final four years of their term.
- Many other positive developments, too numerous to mention.
In 61 weeks.
Imagine what will be done in the next 147 weeks of his first term?