This was in a report that was on last night's AC360. The transcript is online but I haven't been able to find the video yet. If I recall correctly, they showed some footage of the window as well.
REP. ERIC CANTOR (R), MINORITY WHIP: A bullet was shot through the window of my campaign office in Richmond this week and I've received threatening e-mails. But I will not release them because I believe such actions will only encourage more to be sent.
The police in Richmond, Virginia later said a preliminary investigation shows the bullet wasn't fired directly at his building, but into the air hitting a window on the way down. But the main reason Cantor spoke out was to accuse Democrats of using threats of violence for political gain.
CANTOR: I have deep concerns that some, DCCC Chairman, Chris Van Hollen and DNC Chairman Tim Kaine in particular are dangerously fanning the flames by suggesting -- suggesting that these incidents be used as a political weapon.
BASH: What makes you say it's political?
Cantor would not answer questions about his accusation.
Full transcript: