I have turned my television off, and am calling today my first weekend of election 2010 activist actions. I routinely send letters to media and such, but as of today, I will be sending letters pro actively, as opposed to reactively.
Below is a collection of letters that I have written and emailed and faxed this morning to various local and national newspapers, television commentators, and to Republicans elected officials.
The below was emailed to large national newspapers as well as my local papers.
Dear Editor,
I write this letter in disbelief as a response to what I have witnessed in the past few weeks. The Republican Party, including the entire leadership, has thrown a collective temper tantrum of idiotic proportion, and appear unable to accept losing. Not only have GOP elected officials in the past shown themselves incompetent in governance, but it is clear now that they are also unwilling to accept reality, like when they lose. Last I checked, bad sportsmanship is not an American values. Someone needs to get that message pronto to the Republican party.
The below was faxed to Various Republican congress people in California, and I'll be faxing more to swing state Republicans later this afternoon.
Republicans, in unison, claim to speak for the American people, but that is incorrect. This country is not governed by questionable polls, but rather based on the outcome of elections; and no, one election in one state heavily influenced by GOP/media propaganda does not speak for fifty states. In fact, quoting polls as a substitute to real outcomes of the last election is undemocratic, and is unacceptable.
Please be clear, The GOP party does not speak for me, and the last I checked, those whom I did vote for, and who won, are in the majority, i.e., and so it is they who truly speak on behalf of the American people.
Please stop insulting our democracy. You lost, and you need to get over it, and cooperate on common ground with the majority party in working together to fix America's problems, many of which Republican policies had a heavy hand in creating.
The following Letter was sent electronically to various media outlets, including Fox News.
Up to this point, as an Independent voter who has voted for both Republicans and Democrats, I have been fairly patient, but unfortunately, at this time, I can no longer remain silent. In virtual slow motion, over the past year and a half, Republican's election '08 mantra of “Country First” has been proven untrue. Unfortunately, the media in general, seems far too invested in protecting the Republican brand to call out the Republican strategy of "Hell No!" for what it is; pure hypocrisy.
As it is now crystal clear that Republicans are not concerned with this country, I demand at that the media finally does its job of reporting that fact, and stop telling this country how Republicans are going to win back congress. The media repeating this prediction over and over again only shows that those who control the media wishes that to be true. That's not how democracy works; the press asserting undue influence over the business of the people. That, if you must know, is called propaganda, and I, as one American Patriot, truly resent it, and will, to send a message, vote accordingly.
Sent to the Sunday shows -
I’ve had it up to here watching the ridiculous spectacle that I have seen unfold during these past few months. The media appears poised, as usual, in coddling Republicans and their media fabricated Tea Party entourage by making excuses for them, as though protecting their wayward children.
It is not the media’s job to constantly provide excuses in legitimizing one political party’s bad behavior. The media has literally inserted itself into a debate on the side of those who are totally out of line, and last I checked, that was never our Founding Fathers intent when they gave rights to a free press, regardless of if corporate owned.
My strong suggestion at this time to media people is to stop underestimating the American people, and certainly stop trying so hard in influencing outcomes you have no right controlling. The American people didn’t vote you into any public office, and yet you tell us constantly what we should think. The fact that you are trying so hard at this is not an exercise in democracy, nor freedom, nor liberty, nor the American way; instead it is pathetic, frightening and treasonous propaganda. You need to stop it as your lack of journalistic integrity and ethics are showing.
Yours Truly,
You can do this too, as it doesn't take much time, and if enough of us do it, then it could make a difference.....if none other than to simply let these folks know, we ain't taking this anymore, and in fact, will now refuse to be silent!
Here for easy contact info for ANY congresscritters
Send emails to ANY newspapers on Sunday after drinking your coffee!
CBS Contact page for all News Show: http://www.cbsnews.com/htdocs/feedback/fb_news_form.shtml?tag=ftr
Everyone at CNN is listed individually on this page: http://www.cnn.com/feedback/cnntv /
Email THIS WEEK (Contact Page): http://abcnews.go.com/Site/page?id=3428174
Other ABC news show contact page here: http://abcnews.go.com/Site/page?id=3068843
Jon Newman News Coverage 212.456.5100 jonathan.m.newman@abc.com
Joyce Alcantara Assignment Manager 212.456.5106 joyce.a.alcantara@abc.com
Jim Kane Deputy D.C. Bureau Chief 212.222. 6604 james.f.kane@abc.com
Andrew Kalb Executive Director, Programming 05.567.2269 andrew.l.kalb@abc.com
Robert Garcia Executive Director, News & Sports 212.456.5103 robert.garcia@abc.com
Contact NBC's MEET THE PRESS: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/25314272/
Steve Capus steve.capus@nbc.com
Phil Griffin phil.griffin@nbc.com
Jim Lehrer jlehrer@newshour.org
Andrea Mitchell andrea.mitchell@nbc.com
Morning Joe http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28437928/
Don't be a poseur! Don't just talk, DO SOMETHING! :patriot: