emboldened President Barack Obama will take a stronger hand with Congress in coming weeks, planning to push lawmakers to pass new regulations for Wall Street by September, the second anniversary of the meltdown, aides tell POLITICO.
Some Democratic leaders hope to have financial-regulatory reform on the president’s desk even sooner – by Memorial Day, a timeline the White House considers doable.
During protracted negotiations over the health-care bill, Obama was criticized for giving congressional leaders too much leeway and too little direction, and for bending too easily to the timetables of Capitol Hill.
No more. Aides say that with the momentum from the most complex domestic bill to pass Congress in 45 years, Obama now will push Congress to close campaign-finance loopholes opened by the Citizens United case, adopt his overhaul of the No Child Left Behind education bill, and perhaps even tackle a clean-energy bill.
Gibbs said that Obama told him the night of the House vote that when people bet against him, they don’t realize that “I’m just that stubborn.”