while reality tells a different story.
In 15 short months,
War in Iraq, started by Bush is winding down....on schedule. Just had an election there that elected a secular leader that will be inclusive in forming a government.
Has, after 7 years, given Afghanistan a clear strategy, and has provided the logistical support to get that done....which is EXACTLY what he'd said he do, and he was elected, so fuck the polls, I want him to do what he said.
The Economy has improved so much since 9/15/08 meltdown that it ain't even funny. When one looks at all and any barometer, the economy is being fixed, albeit slowly, but surely.
As for what jobs were saved, I'm not sure where you are getting stats, but from where I sit, typing on the Internet doesn't mean one is providing any facts, and like the other statements you made, this one isn't backed up with anything.
As for rambling on mandates-
http://voices.washingtonpost.com/ezra-klein/2009/12/draft_1.htmlSeniors worried about SS? Why? They are getting theirs. If they are worried about something, many seem overly worried that there is a black man in office.
American Empire is on a decline (whatever that actually means), but America's reputation has been restored. Bush flushed it down the toilet, and Pres. Obama pulled it out and it is now drying on the line.
There's more, but I don’t have the time.......
What I will say is that people should be tired of being as stupid as they are. They allow the media to lead them around by the nose, failing to make the connection between corporate interests, what those are, and who owns our fucked up media. If they had an ounce of sense, the Teafuckingbaggers would have been out protesting the day the Supreme Court decided who was going to be in the White House....cause that was the day America started fast on a decline. It's just now being restored, but like anything else, it will take time period. Uninformed citizen who don't bother to read anything beyond headlines are the exact ones who allowed things to get so fucked up till it can't be fixed in just a few months. period.