Every liberal, when you speak to them, has a "core issue" that drove them to the left. For some, it's social justice. For others it's support for the needy or eldery. For still others, it's womens, LGBT, or minority rights. And for some, like me, it's the environment.
I am a proud tree hugging, Sierra Club joining, GreenPeace donating, liberal environmentalist whacko, as Oxyrush likes to call us. I ride my bike wherever I can, use public transport when that's not an option, and own two PZEV vehicles (both retrofitted) that are used when driving is a must. I have two large gardens, buy only locally grown produce when possible, and mulch my trash. The garbage can? I may fill a single can every two to three weeks...for a family of five, that's huge. I actually DID chain myself to a tree in college (in a Mendocino county logging protest in 1996), and when I was younger regularly attended various environmental protests. While I don't protest much anymore, I DO vote, and I make my voice heard in more official venues where I think it will make more of a difference.
Since turning 18, I have never missed voting in a single election. Since turning 18, I have never ONCE voted for a SINGLE anti-environment candidate. I have never voted for a SINGLE pro-drilling candidate. I have never voted for a SINGLE pro-developer candidate. Not once. Never. Living in a somewhat conservative area, there have been a few instances where the choice has been between a conservative pro-development Democrat and an even more conservative Republican. In those races, I voted Green. I simply cannot bring myself to endorse ANY candidate who supports destroying the environment. I'm a pragmatist and believe that there are some compromises that must be made, but offshore drilling isn't one of them.
And that's why this decision is so troubling to me. I care enough about this that I just donated to DU so I could get my star back and post this poll. I wasn't thrilled with the direction that the HC "reform" went, but that was just a disagreement of political philosophies, and I still think that a PO would have been a better route, but I could deal with that and believe that we'll get there if we keep up the political pressure. This is different for me. This isn't something I can deal with. This may actually be a vote killer for me. This is my "Et tu, Brute?" moment. This, to me, would be like Obama announcing that he's taken up a pro-life, anti-choice position to many of you. I suspect that it will be for many others as well.
Where the hell do we go from here?