Edited on Sat Apr-10-10 11:20 AM by jillan
And I'm not talking about the actual pick here....there are enough threads about that.
What I am talking about is controlling the message - for once!
Point #1 -The Rpigs should not be allowed to get away with the talking point NO ACTIVIST JUDGES...they have already started. How dare them after the Citizens United Case?? I want to see every Dem, every day, on every media outlet fighting back on this. All they have to say is 'An Activist Judge? You mean like Roberts and Alito?'. I want to see the Democrats that we elected to office fighting back hard on this.
Point #2 - No matter what you thought about Bill Frist, you have to give him credit for one thing. How did we get Roberts and Alito? "Up or Down Vote". He hammered that home, didn't he? The President won the election and his nominees deserve an "Up or Down Vote". My niece was 5 years old at the time & would walk around saying "Up or Down Vote", it was funny, but at the same time it pissed me off because it reminded me every time at just how effective Frist was at controlling the message. It's time for our elected Democratic Senators to do the same thing.
It doesn't matter who Obama picks, they will be labelled "A Radical Socialist that hates American ideals, and they will change the rule of law once they are on the bench". What does matter is how well the Democrats CONTROL the message.
Hopefully they are using this break to polish up their balls, to have some steel inserted into their spines and to put on their stomping boots. It's make or break time.
I really believe if Obama knew the Dems would put up a strong fight, would have his back, he would be more willing to nominate someone more liberal. But if he has to worry that his nominee is going to be allowed to be trashed and torn apart, he is going to back down and nominate someone in the middle because that's the only way they will get sworn in.
You have to fight for what you want or settle for the consequences...Let's see who's going to fight, and who's going to settle.