(sorry, nothing here about teabaggers)....
The legislation is a response to the Supreme Court’s 5-4 ruling in a case involving the conservative group Citizens United. That ruling overturned laws banning certain political spending by corporations, both for-profit and nonprofit, and unions. Democrats were furious with the decision, calling it a victory for corporate interests over average citizens, while Republicans said it was a long-overdue recognition that campaign spending should be treated as free speech.
Reform advocates say the bill closely conforms to a framework laid out by Van Hollen and Schumer two months ago. Major provisions include strict disclosure and disclaimer requirements for corporate-funded campaign ads, including a mandate that CEOs and top donors appear on camera to “approve” messages, much as candidates are required to do now. The bill would also explicitly ban contributions from companies with a 20 percent or greater foreign ownership stake, as well as from government contractors or firms that have received and not repaid Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) funds.
“The heart of this legislation is going to ensure that the public is aware of who is actually putting up the money to finance these ads,” said Fred Wertheimer, president of Democracy 21.
While time is of the essence for all legislation that Democrats hope to pass before the fall campaign heats up, speed is especially critical for campaign finance, Wertheimer said.
“The goal here is to have this effective for the coming elections, and there isn’t a lot of time,” he said. To accomplish that, Wertheimer said, a final bill would have to be signed into law by the July 4 recess, meaning the initial legislation would have to pass one or both chambers of Congress before Memorial Day.
Van Hollen told The Hill last month that once the legislation was introduced, he expected it to move “fairly quickly.”
http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/91797-dems-ready-for-election-year-battle-on-citizens-united-bill Instead of talking and mocking teabaggers with 3 out of 5 threads on this forum, giving them more exposure than the media is already giving them, we would be wiser spending our time writing to
both Republicans and Democratic congress folks, and the media, and heralding our support for this. I think that would be a more valuable thing to do with our time, IMO!
If we want stronger language, let us tell them so.
Yes, that's right....even if you have Republicans representing you, they should hear from you on this......let them know that the public is united against CITIZENS UNITED!
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