I've written the mods a few days ago about this. Gen Hope attacks the White House as trying to rush through a gov't run medical plan from what I can tell from their site at genhope.com that I clicked on from the advertisement on DU. I thought it was a bit negative towards the idea of a public option. They show an image in the ad I saw on DU, that had people behind bars for not paying medical premiums.
http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/aclk?sa=l&ai=B6Wd45H4US_rEAaDCzQWh-pD5A8r_yp4BoMvWtxDAjbcB4Km4ARABGAEg4bP0ATgAUK_f9ev4_____wFgyf6yh9yj3BCyAR13d3cuZGVtb2NyYXRpY3VuZGVyZ3JvdW5kLmNvbboBCTcyOHg5MF9hc8gBAtoBOGh0dHA6Ly93d3cuZGVtb2NyYXRpY3VuZGVyZ3JvdW5kLmNvbS9kaXNjdXNzL2R1Ym9hcmQucGhwgAIB4AIB6gIaRFUyX0xhdGVzdF9MZWFkZXJib2FyZF9Ub3CQA9AFmAOkA6gDAcgDBegDjgPoA4wD6AOaA_UDAAAChOAEAQ&num=1&sig=AGiWqtwwDDVgvwoVLyabnaheY9EM1ewX6g&client=ca-pub-7805397860504090&adurl=http://www.genhope.com&nm=4 The picture of the ad -
http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/imgad?id=CKfc6cr4_cblfhDYBRhPMghXBjyfv09Ctg Just a couple of the FAQ's
How does it effect the elderly?
The elderly will not be able to get treatments like hip or knee replacements or even heart bypasses if they are very old and the scarce medical resources will go to younger people with a longer remaining lifespan.
Why is Mr. Obama so focused on getting this bill passed ASAP?
One can only suspect it’s because he’s afraid people might actually learn what’s inside of it -- like rationing, higher taxes, more debt, mandatory insurance with fines and jail time if you refuse to buy coverage. We know a lot of people really like President Obama. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t watch very closely what he’s doing about our future. After all, isn’t he just another politician?