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The White House takes on Politico

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TeamJordan23 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-01-09 10:16 AM
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The White House takes on Politico
The White House Takes On Politico

It's not just Fox News that's become subject of White House derision. The following is an excerpt from a joke e-mail that is circulating among White House staffers. It's a response, of sorts, to the analytical essay that Politico editor-in-chief John Harris wrote about the "seven stories that Barack Obama doesn't want told." It's fairly caustic -- and, truth be told, the White House maintains good relationships with Politico reporters and has been known to try to agenda-set by dishing out a few tips to the publication. But make no mistake: many on the White House senior staff dislike Politico's brand of journalism, and they do not like the effect that Politico's metabolism has on the rest of the press corps, including this (i.e., my own) corner of it. Still, don't read too much into this. There's been plenty of back-and-forth between the White and the Politico, and the White House accepts the role -- which is often substantial -- that Politico plays in the newsgathering process.

7 narratives politico is fighting in their efforts to get an interview with the President

1. They are more interested in readers than accuracy

2. Its okay to be wrong everyonce in a while, if your are the first to break the news

3. More interested in gossip than news

4. A spouter of the worst sort of insider conventional wisdom

5. Their analysis about obama has been wrong more than any one

6. Click ... period

7. More obsessed with personality than policy

Original Politico Hit Piece:
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Oceansaway Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-01-09 10:35 AM
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1. Politico = Human Waste....n/t
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katkat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-01-09 11:03 AM
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2. another hit piece
I normally don't read Politico but I followed a link there to read about Hillary's redecorating (what can I say, occasionally my pink genes surface.)

Nowhere in the article did it say this wasn't costing the taxpayers a dime, that the magazines were paying for all of it, and, of course, the comments section then was full of outraged crap about people losing their homes while the Obama administration spent tons of money on draperies or whatever.
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Thrill Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-01-09 12:23 PM
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3. I've been sounding the alarm about that RW rag
since the primaries
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Whisp Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-01-09 12:32 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. people still post Politico's shit here as a credible source.
if it critisizes Obama or makes up shit to cut him down.
this place is really going to the fucking dogs. Its like posting a Limbaugh rant here - and getting recs for agreeing with Rush.
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Dinger Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-01-09 12:41 PM
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5. p* Got Way Too Big Way Too Fast Waaaaay Tooo Easy
I refuse to use their name. p* is all they get from me.
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