wrong with owning one message and sticking to it? This to me just confuses the issue. Or why not put something out there that Dems will concentrate on both?
Reid: Despite activist uproar, climate comes before immigration
By Russell Berman and Alexander Bolton - 04/28/10 08:42 PM ET
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) ended a week of indecision Wednesday about the Senate agenda by stating that climate change legislation will come to the floor before immigration reform.
“I am going to move forward on energy first,” Reid said at a press conference Wednesday.
Reid, who for a week has said both issues are vitally important to the country, said he remains committed to passing immigration reform this year and Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) has drafted an outline that could serve as the basis for legislation to be debated on the Senate floor.
The definitive statement by the Democratic leader is unlikely to quell the uproar caused by reports that immigration had leapfrogged climate change, however, especially after Reid failed to immediately shoot down suggestions that immigration was first in line.