The purpose of diplomacy was that as Kerry said in a September 2002 oped, America should go to war only as a last resort. Kerry does not say that a war is necessary - nor was that how the right interpreted Kerry's speech. The National Review printed a David Frum (former Bush speechwriter) op-ed in reaction to the speech. Frum linked Kerry, France, and Germany as forces that would never agree that that was sufficient cause to go to war here - and he whined that they were slowly proceeding, not rushing to war. What Kerry was doing in speaking of the threat Saddam posed was addressing the fact that Saddam was bad, but Kerry then argued for using other methods to resolve the problem. He spoke of it not being a "last resort". This was a serious argument against going to war, made in a serious forum, to serious people. Do you understand the significance of the words "last resort"? The Catholic Church and I think Christianity, requires war to be a last resort or it is not a "just war". The comment you quote from Kerry the day after the invasion is cut off mid sentence in your link and on every right wing source (some indicating that with ... (you can find many googling the words.) Now, I have always been suspicious of any quote taken out of context, but one that cherry picks part of a sentence takes this to a higher level of dishonesty. This is likely especially true for Kerry, who often will use sentences where the full sentence has a totally different meaning than an excerpt. At that time, Kerry's comments everywhere were essentially that (he was concerned with Saddam's weapons), but (there were outstanding diplomatic measures and the inspectors were doing there job). That was consistent with his position in 2002, 2003, 2004 etc As to the predicate of the sentence which you take as supporting the war. The fact is that the Senate voted a resolution commending the President and supporting the troops in the wake of the invasion on March 20. 99 Senators voted for it, Zell Miller did not vote. http://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=108&session=1&vote=00061 Here is the information on the resolution: NEW SEARCH | HOME | HELP S.RES.95 Title: A resolution commending the President and the Armed Forces of the United States of America. Sponsor: Sen Frist, William H. (introduced 3/20/2003) Cosponsors (98) Latest Major Action: 3/20/2003 Passed/agreed to in Senate. Status: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Yea-Nay Vote. 99 - 0. Record Vote Number: 61. Jump to: Summary, Major Actions, All Actions, Titles, Cosponsors, Committees, Related Bill Details, Amendments SUMMARY AS OF: 3/20/2003--Passed Senate without amendment. (There is 1 other summary)
(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the Senate on March 20, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)
Commends and supports the efforts and leadership of the President, as Commander in Chief, in the conflict against Iraq.
Commends, and expresses the gratitude of the Nation to all members of the United States Armed Forces (whether on active duty, in the National Guard, or in the Reserves) and the civilian employees who support their efforts, as well as the men and women of civilian national security agencies who are participating in the military operations in the Persian Gulf region, for their professional excellence, dedicated patriotism and exemplary bravery.
Commends and expresses the gratitude of the Nation to the family members of soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, and civilians serving in operations against Iraq who have borne the burden of sacrifice and separation from their loved ones.
Expresses the deep condolences of the Senate to the families of brave Americans who have lost their lives in this undertaking, over many years, against Iraq.
Joins all Americans in remembering those who lost their lives during Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm in 1991, those still missing from that conflict, including Captain Scott Speicher, USN, and the thousands of Americans who have lost their lives in terrorist attacks over the years, and in the Global War on Terrorism.
Expresses sincere gratitude to British Prime Minister Tony Blair and his government for their courageous and steadfast support, as well as gratitude to other allied nations for their military support, logistical support, and other assistance in the campaign against Saddam Hussein's regime. MAJOR ACTIONS: <[[br /> 3/20/2003 Introduced in Senate 3/20/2003 Passed/agreed to in Senate: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Yea-Nay Vote. 99 - 0. Record Vote Number: 61. ALL ACTIONS:
3/20/2003: Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by Yea-Nay Vote. 99 - 0. Record Vote Number: 61. (consideration: CR S4075-4107; text as passed Senate: CR S4106-4107; text of measure as introduced Senate: CR S4179)
TITLE(S): (italics indicate a title for a portion of a bill)
* POPULAR TITLE(S): President and Armed Forces Appreciation resolution (identified by CRS)
* OFFICIAL TITLE AS INTRODUCED: A resolution commending the President and the Armed Forces of the United States of America.
COSPONSORS(98), ALPHABETICAL : (Sort: by date)
Sen Akaka, Daniel K. - 3/20/2003 Sen Alexander, Lamar - 3/20/2003 Sen Allard, Wayne - 3/20/2003 Sen Allen, George - 3/20/2003 Sen Baucus, Max - 3/20/2003 Sen Bayh, Evan - 3/20/2003 Sen Bennett, Robert F. - 3/20/2003 Sen Biden, Joseph R., Jr. - 3/20/2003 Sen Bingaman, Jeff - 3/20/2003 Sen Bond, Christopher S. - 3/20/2003 Sen Boxer, Barbara - 3/20/2003 Sen Breaux, John B. - 3/20/2003 Sen Brownback, Sam - 3/20/2003 Sen Bunning, Jim - 3/20/2003 Sen Burns, Conrad R. - 3/20/2003 Sen Campbell, Ben Nighthorse - 3/20/2003 Sen Cantwell, Maria - 3/20/2003 Sen Carper, Thomas R. - 3/20/2003 Sen Chafee, Lincoln - 3/20/2003 Sen Chambliss, Saxby - 3/20/2003 Sen Clinton, Hillary Rodham - 3/20/2003 Sen Cochran, Thad - 3/20/2003 Sen Coleman, Norm - 3/20/2003 Sen Collins, Susan M. - 3/20/2003 Sen Conrad, Kent - 3/20/2003 Sen Cornyn, John - 3/20/2003 Sen Corzine, Jon S. - 3/20/2003 Sen Craig, Larry E. - 3/20/2003 Sen Crapo, Mike - 3/20/2003 Sen Daschle, Thomas A. - 3/20/2003 Sen Dayton, Mark - 3/20/2003 Sen DeWine, Mike - 3/20/2003 Sen Dodd, Christopher J. - 3/20/2003 Sen Dole, Elizabeth - 3/20/2003 Sen Domenici, Pete V. - 3/20/2003 Sen Dorgan, Byron L. - 3/20/2003 Sen Durbin, Richard - 3/20/2003 Sen Edwards, John - 3/20/2003 Sen Ensign, John - 3/20/2003 Sen Enzi, Michael B. - 3/20/2003 Sen Feingold, Russell D. - 3/20/2003 Sen Feinstein, Dianne - 3/20/2003 Sen Fitzgerald, Peter - 3/20/2003 Sen Graham, Bob - 3/20/2003 Sen Graham, Lindsey - 3/20/2003 Sen Grassley, Chuck - 3/20/2003 Sen Gregg, Judd - 3/20/2003 Sen Hagel, Chuck - 3/20/2003 Sen Harkin, Tom - 3/20/2003 Sen Hatch, Orrin G. - 3/20/2003 Sen Hollings, Ernest F. - 3/20/2003 Sen Hutchison, Kay Bailey - 3/20/2003 Sen Inhofe, James M. - 3/20/2003 Sen Inouye, Daniel K. - 3/20/2003 Sen Jeffords, James M. - 3/20/2003 Sen Johnson, Tim - 3/20/2003 Sen Kennedy, Edward M. - 3/20/2003 Sen Kerry, John F. - 3/20/2003 Sen Kohl, Herb - 3/20/2003 Sen Kyl, Jon - 3/20/2003 Sen Landrieu, Mary L. - 3/20/2003 Sen Lautenberg, Frank R. - 3/20/2003 Sen Leahy, Patrick J. - 3/20/2003 Sen Levin, Carl - 3/20/2003 Sen Lieberman, Joseph I. - 3/20/2003 Sen Lincoln, Blanche L. - 3/20/2003 Sen Lott, Trent - 3/20/2003 Sen Lugar, Richard G. - 3/20/2003 Sen McCain, John - 3/20/2003 Sen McConnell, Mitch - 3/20/2003 Sen Mikulski, Barbara A. - 3/20/2003 Sen Miller, Zell - 3/20/2003 Sen Murkowski, Lisa - 3/20/2003 Sen Murray, Patty - 3/20/2003 Sen Nelson, Bill - 3/20/2003 Sen Nelson, E. Benjamin - 3/20/2003 Sen Nickles, Don - 3/20/2003 Sen Pryor, Mark L. - 3/20/2003 Sen Reed, Jack - 3/20/2003 Sen Reid, Harry - 3/20/2003 Sen Roberts, Pat - 3/20/2003 Sen Rockefeller, John D., IV - 3/20/2003 Sen Santorum, Rick - 3/20/2003 Sen Sarbanes, Paul S. - 3/20/2003 Sen Schumer, Charles E. - 3/20/2003 Sen Sessions, Jeff - 3/20/2003 Sen Shelby, Richard C. - 3/20/2003 Sen Smith, Gordon H. - 3/20/2003 Sen Snowe, Olympia J. - 3/20/2003 Sen Specter, Arlen - 3/20/2003 Sen Stabenow, Debbie - 3/20/2003 Sen Stevens, Ted - 3/20/2003 Sen Sununu, John E. - 3/20/2003 Sen Talent, Jim - 3/20/2003 Sen Thomas, Craig - 3/20/2003 Sen Voinovich, George V. - 3/20/2003 Sen Warner, John - 3/20/2003 Sen Wyden, Ron - 3/20/2003