Obama's claim to a fertile first year doesn't rest on health care alone. There's mounting evidence that the $787 billion economic stimulus he signed in February—combined with the bank bailout package—prevented an economic depression. Should the stimulus have been larger? Should it have been more weighted to short-term spending, as opposed to long-term tax cuts? Would a second round be a good idea? Pundits and policymakers will argue these questions for years to come. But
few mainstream economists seriously dispute that Obama's decisive action prevented a much deeper downturn and restored economic growth in the third quarter.
When it comes to foreign policy, Obama's accomplishment has been less tangible but hardly less significant: He has put America on a new footing with the rest of the world. In a series of foreign trips and speeches, which critics deride as trips and speeches, he replaced George W. Bush's unilateral, moralistic militarism with an approach that is multilateral, pragmatic, and conciliatory. Obama has already significantly reoriented policy toward Iran, China, Russia, Iraq, Israel, and the Islamic world."
http://www.slate.com/id/2236708/?from=rss Appointed a Special Envoy for Middle East peace
Order the closing of Guantanamo Bay
Prohibit use of torture
Obama Orders Secret Prisons and Detention Camps Closed
Obama Sets Bold New Principles for U.S. Energy, Climate Policies
Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
The Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act
Omnibus Public Lands Management Act
Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program Act of 2009
Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act of 2009 or FERA (PDF)
Helping Families Save Their Homes Act of 2009
Enhanced Partnership with Pakistan Act of 2009 (Kerry-Lugar includes funding for Obama's global poverty initiative)
Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act of 2009
End of 22-Year Discriminatory Travel Ban
Veterans Health Care Budget Reform and Transparency Act
Stopping Conflict-related Sexual Violence Against Women and Children
The UN, Women & Girls
New policy steps towards Cuba
Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty with Russia
Strategy to address the international nuclear threat
For the Media: "30+ Reasons Obama deserves the Nobel Peace Prize"
Russia on Nobel Peace Prize: Obama thawing 'second cold war'
World Reaction to Obama Winning the Nobel
Turkey, Armenia sign historic accord
Why the Stimulus Worked
Green jobs for real people: The story behind the recovery numbers
Obama's Plan: Financial Regulatory Reform: A New Foundation (PDF)
Requiring Strong Supervision And Appropriate Regulation Of All Financial Firms (pdf)
Strengthening Regulation Of Core Markets And Market Infrastructure (pdf)
Strengthening Consumer Protection (pdf)
Providing The Government With Tools To Effectively Manage Failing Institutions (pdf)
Improving International Regulatory Standards And Cooperation (pdf)
House Panel Moves Derivatives Toward Obama’s Proposal
FACTBOX: Major U.S. financial regulation reform proposals
Obama says Senate bill on tax havens would stop abuses
Statement by President Barack Obama on House and Senate Introducing Legislation to Crack Down on Overseas Tax Havens
Obama to chair historic U.N. council nuclear meeting
G20 to Become Forum for Global Economic Cooperation
Next comes Obama's budget, health care reform and more.http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=132&topic_id=8730317&mesg_id=8730317 New Obama Policy Bars THOUSANDS of Lobbyists From Federal Advisory Panelshttp://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/11/26/AR2009112602362.htmlApproved Stem-Cell Researchhttp://www.politico.com/politico44/perm/1209/first_wave_of_stem_cells_f3696ffa-5f62-465a-991c-1575e4a149b6.htmlAnd the list goes on... :)