so that Bush can be left to "repair" his legacy.
The Media will make sure of that.
How do I know?
Because neither the Iraq War nor the Afghanistan War were ever really called Bush's Wars by the corporate Media, and certainly not at the same rate as the Afghanistan War is being called "Obama's War".
instead, one was just the Iraq War or War in Iraq, and the other had names such as the War on Terror, The Forgotten War, Afuckistan, etc.....
The Iraq War which Pres. Obama will end, will be re-written as the most "successful" of the two (it started later and didn't last as long), one day in the history books, and the credit will be given to the "Surge" which was done prior to Obama getting into office. Obama will not get credit for being the one to call the troops home while ending the war (which he did), nor for the transition currently there underway. He will, however, become "responsible" if all that he is currently doing doesn't go according to plan.
As for Afghanistan, although most can only speculate, because that chapter is not yet complete, it will only be called Obama's War years from now if it unsuccesful in it's goals, which are probably goals that can only be fully met if Obama is the Messiah, or at the very least, a Miracle Worker who walks on water.
What I find fascinating in all of this is watching the Media decide who's wars belong to whom, and what they are to be called.
And it is even more interesting how many fall for it, and parrot exactly what the Media determines.... automatically, and without even a 2nd thought.
AFTER 8 YEARS, Google Results for Bush's war: about 2,560,000
AFTER 10 MONTHS, Google Results for Obama's war: about 28,700,000 Mind numbing how some buy into the Corporate Propaganda, hey?
Especially those who claim to be really, really "smart".