Obama homed in on an Afghanistan pullout dateIt started out as a projection from the military, intended only for the ears of the president and his top advisors. But in a war council meeting at the White House less than a month ago, Obama proposed making it public.
"Let's name that date," he said, according to participants.
And then on Tuesday, he did.
The date, July 2011, is when the Afghan troop buildup is supposed to be working well enough against the Taliban-led insurgency that some troops can start to come home.
Revealing that key marker on the U.S. military timeline has emerged as the most controversial component of the president's plan. It has attracted criticism from Capitol Hill and sown anxiety among allies, some unsure whether the timeline meant that the United States was planning to leave quickly or stay indefinitely.
It was also a contentious idea within the Pentagon. The date was first discussed as part of internal planning. The idea of sending a public signal to enemies and allies alike that the U.S. was already planning a pullout was of particular concern to Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates, a key member of the war council.
Gates backed the plan once he felt he had adequate assurances that the pace of the U.S. military withdrawal would be determined by commanders, based on the situation in Afghanistan.
Obama opted to take the highly unusual step, senior aides said, because, in the end, administration officials believed the need to put tangible pressure on the governments of Afghanistan and Pakistan outweighed any potential cost.
http://www.latimes.com/news/nation-and-world/la-fg-obama-afghan4-2009dec04,0,4528982.story While I think our reaction to a deadline is part of the reason for promoting it, what I think we're failing to understand is that it has EVERYTHING to do with the Afghan government.
He was right on the Iraqi pullout deadline....
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vbq8aD_KAzc.... and I think he'll be right on this one as well.