48% Blame Obama for Bad Economy, 47% Blame Bush
Monday, August 02, 2010
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For the first time since President Obama took office, voters see his policies as equally to blame with those of President George W. Bush for the country’s current economic problems.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 48% of Likely U.S. Voters now think Obama’s policies are to blame for the continuing bad economy, up three points from last month. Forty-seven percent (47%) say the recession that began under Bush is at fault.
With voters across the country expressing stronger belief that the economy is getting worse rather than better, these new findings spell potential bad news for Democratic candidates this fall. The president is already planning to limit his campaign appearances with candidates because of potential voter backlash.
In June and last October, 45% blamed Obama’s policies for the country’s ongoing economic woes, the previous high finding on this question. The number who blame Bush is down from 62% in May 2009 when Rasmussen Reports first began tracking the question regularly. Only 27% faulted Obama at that time.
http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/obama_administration/august_2010/48_blame_obama_for_bad_economy_47_blame_bushWell, that's a first. Most Americans, as time blurs the memory of B*sh's "we're gonna have a depression unless we bail out the banks!" emergency request, now blame Obama. The longer things stay bad, the more people blame who's in power.
We know B*sh's wrong-headed "do it all for the wealthy - deregulate everything and ignore holding businesses accountable" policies took America down a long road of further trickle-down BS, and God knows the warmongering wasted another 3/4 Trillion. There is, however, some blame that can be handed out to the current administration. It's all been documented hear for 18 months, but I think if you're comparing the TWO, and asking who's more to blame - how can anyone not answer B*SH! (and I'm not a huge fan of everything this current admin has done!)
I think our Democratic candidates need to remind people strongly what B*sh did to our country - and explain non-stop why we're gonna be hurting for a long, long time.