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Goodbye, Frazier?

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ccharles000 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-04-09 09:37 PM
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Goodbye, Frazier?
Republicans have landed an up-and-coming candidate to run against Rep. Ed Perlmutter (D-Colo), but his emergence could mean one of the party’s leading African-American recruits could be sidelined.

Iraq war veteran Lang Sias, who organized veterans to support John McCain’s presidential campaign, announced his candidacy against Perlmutter today. He’s already putting together a strong team of advisers, which includes former RNC press secretary Alex Conant.

But Sias’ entrance in the race means that Ryan Frazier, a well-regarded African-American Republican who dropped out of the Senate race to run against Perlmutter, will be facing a competitive primary.

Frazier, an Aurora city councilor, generated buzz among Colorado Republican party activists earlier this year when he ran for the Senate, but his candidacy never took off. He struggled to raise the money to run a statewide campaign, and hoped his political background would translate better in a House race.

Sias made no mention of Frazier in his announcement statement, instead targeting Perlmutter’s liberal voting record.

"We’re going to take a very sober look at Congressman Perlmutter’s very liberal record and the impact that it has on Colorado families," Sias said. "Look at his votes and positions on health care, cap-and-trade, the stimulus, bailouts and card check. The voters of this district will say 'no' to those votes.”
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