Edited on Wed Aug-04-10 07:29 PM by RBInMaine
My state of Maine stood to lose 100 million bucks if the Senate failed to pass the stimulus extension to help struggling states pay for Medicaid, education, and public safety. As an educator, my job could well have been on the line. THANKS DEMS ! And the RePUKES? PERFECT and CLASSIC example of their LIES and heartlessness. They said that states shouldn't get the money because it was too targeted. (I thought "conservatives" liked fiscal accountability.) They also said it raised taxes on businesses and would ship jobs offshore. LIE ! It closed offshore loopholes which encourage them to move in the first place. They said it would add to the deficit. LIE ! It was fully paid for. They said the states get too much of their money from the feds. HEARTLESS ! The states have already cut like crazy, and they are suffering from a slow recovery caused by RePUKES and Wall Street. They said it was all about helping the teachers' unions. HEARTLESS LIE ! It was about curbing massive teacher layoffs so kids wouldn't be crammed into 35+ student classes and so not so much of the programming would be cut. (Many states will still have to make cuts, but this at least helps them. AND, it was strongly supported by both RED and blue states.)
These ReSCUMlicans are just that. PURE SCUM ! Heartless, lying, rotten, horrid SCUM ! I canvassed today for a local Dem candidate. I will work like hell every day to defeat the ReSCUMS in November. They are ROTTEN ! Thanks again you wonderful Dems. You care about ALL Americans. ReSCUMlicans care about the rich, and that is ALL.