Ask the President to Support Full Marriage Equality
Please add your name to our open letter to the President (below) asking him to come out in support of full marriage equality for LGBT Americans.
Why? Because it's time.
In the wake of today's historic court decision on Proposition 8, it's time for President Obama to support full marriage equality for gay and lesbian couples.(1)
Today's news comes on the heels of last month's decision by a federal district court in Massachusetts finding DOMA unconstitutional.(2) We are on the march towards full equality, and we need the President with us.
It's time for President Obama to show leadership.
It's time for President Obama to stop defending DOMA in the courts.(3)
And it's time for President Obama to declare his support for full marriage equality.
"Separate but equal" treatment of LGBT Americans, in any form, is unjust, immoral, and simply wrong. Barack Obama knows that. In fact, he favored legalizing same-sex marriages back in 1996.(4) But in 2008, the Obama campaign made a calculated political decision that the candidate wouldn't support full marriage equality. In 2012, not supporting marriage equality will be the wrong political decision for Barack Obama.
President Obama must decide whether to be on the right or the wrong side of history. Our freedom is on the march. It's time for our President to join us.
Please add your name to our open letter to the President. Ask President Obama to support full marriage equality.
Dear Mr. President:
We are writing to ask you to come out in support of full marriage equality for gay and lesbian couples.
In 1996, you were in favor of legalizing same–sex marriage. By 2008, your public position had changed.
“Separate but equal” is wrong. It’s time for you to do the right thing, and come out again for full equality for LGBT Americans.
We are on the march towards full equality. Please join us.