It's well documented on Media Matters, Fact Check and other watchdog sites on the web that what Sarah Palin says in "interviews" on Fox News can be essentially broken down into at least 70% or more of what she saying as inaccurate lies or deceptions. It also appears that Palin has even resorted to an embracing of anti-intellectualism by joking how she writes reminders on her hands, reads talking points openly showing the papers on display.
Add that she is even considered by a majority of Republicans as unelectable and unworthy of being able to be a capable President.
So, as much as it is nauseating and baffling to have to sit through one of her skittish tirades on the news, it actually serves a great purpose for Democrats in the 2010 election and beyond.
She represents the Republican brand as a vindictive quitter, a whining sore loser, an ineffective disjointed communicator and even perhaps a bad mother. When a majority of people see her on TV and perceptually see the word "stupid" superimposed on the screen, it does much more damage to the Republican Party than any hit ad or strikeback campaign.
Let her dig herself into a verbal cul-de-sac where she thinks she's being witty, entertaining or valid. It's just more perception that people don't want her or those who agree with her anywhere near the halls of power. Let's hope she goes into hyperdrive as the fall elections get closer.
Moderates and Independents, an integral part of this election cycle, are bound to shake their heads and make sure she and her ilk somehow just goes away.