Democrats seem to like the Republican choice for governor more than Republicans do. That could be a problem for a state GOP intent on controlling the Legislature, picking up congressional seats and hanging on to key statewide offices.
Republican Rick Snyder proved in Tuesday's primary that he has significant Democratic support. They like him because he reminds them of former Gov. Bill Milliken -- a moderate without strong partisan DNA.
By contrast, they've found little to extol in their own candidate, the bombastic Lansing Mayor Virg Bernero.
But every silver lining is sewn into a black cloud. Republican leaders are worried Snyder could draw to the polls Democrats who might have stayed home rather than vote for Bernero. After pulling the lever for Snyder, those Democrats will return to their party for the rest of the ballot
At the same time, conservative Republicans are lukewarm toward Snyder because he reminds them, too, of Bill Milliken. Unlike disillusioned Democrats who are comfortable voting for Snyder, disappointed Republicans have nowhere else to go. So they may stay home.
From The Detroit News: