Edited on Mon Aug-09-10 10:16 AM by RBInMaine
Yeah yeah yeah. All this narrative about how the Dems are going to get beaten badley in November. Well, but for the aggravating unemployment rate, Dems DO have some very good things going for us which we should seize:
1) The RePUKES have gone Tea-Nutty. Moderate Indies don't care for the TeaGoofballs. We must glue the TeaScum to the RePUKES very loudly and clearly. Slogan: "The Tea Party Republicans are too extreme for America."
2) Make it "Wall Street vs. Main Street" loud and clear. Tout all that has been done to save or create jobs HERE in America, and what more we are trying to do with our MAKE IT IN AMERICAN initiatives vs. what the RePUKES are trying to do, which is protect BP and tax cuts for the rich. *** A populist economic message will resonate.
3) Exploit the constant GOP obstruction.
4) Right now, exploit that they have NO PLAN for the nation except to cut taxes for the rich, deregulate Wall St. all over again, repeal reforms, and kill Social Security and Medicare in the name of "fiscal responsibility."
5) ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK the RePUKES and don't be afraid to do so at every turn. We have nothing to lose by attacking forcefully and everything to gain. Get the jump on the ReSCUMlicans. ATTACK THE SHIT OUT OF THEM AS THE PRO CORPORATE PRO BP PRO RICH SCUM THAT THEY ARE.
Your ideas?