Poll results released today bring good news for establishment candidates Bill McCollum and Kendrick Meek, who have been fighting for their political lives against wealthy self-financed candidates who are challenging them in the primaries.
A new Mason-Dixon poll conducted for Leadership Florida and the Florida Press Association reveals that multimillionaire Rick Scott's lead over attorney general Bill McCollum has a 6 point edge over McCollum, a narrower lead than other recent polls that show Scott enjoying double-digit leads over McCollum. This latest poll shows the spread at just 37 percent to 31 percent, with 29 percent still undecided.
The poll's results are similar to those released earlier today by Associated Industries of Florida, which shows Scott running 7 percentage points ahead of McCollum.
"Hispanic Republicans favor McCollum over Scott by a 3-1 margin, which now is keeping McCollum in the race," said Brad Coker, managing director of Mason-Dixon Polling & Research, in a release.