mo? Two more Senators call on Obama to appoint Elizabeth Warren
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Add Dick Durbin and Carl Levin to the list of Senators backing Elizabeth Warren as Obama's key consumer cop on Wall Street. That makes a total of 15 Senators supporting her. Is momentum building in her favor?The left has been mounting a campaign to pressure the White House to appoint Warren as head of the newly-created Consumer Financial Protection Agency, which is central to the success of the just-passed Wall Street reform bill. There's ample evidence she's well qualified for the job, and appointing her would throw a big bone to liberals, who strongly support Warren and want to see Obama take a stand on something they care about.
And yet, the White House appears to be waffling on the appointment -- perhaps because bigfoot administration insiders don't like her or perhaps because they don't think she can get 60 votes in the Senate.
Now the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, which is organizing the campaign to get Warren appointed and has been whipping Senate support, are set to announce the support of senators Durbin and Levin.
Durbin, who is a particularly interesting addition because he's a close ally of the president, came out for Warren in the middle of a speech on the Senate floor last week that passed unnoticed, strongly endorsing her as "aggressive" and "intelligent":
UPDATE, 2:25 p.m.: Speaking of making noise,
PCCC reports they've compiled over 200,000 petition signatures for Warren with Credo Action and has sent over 3,000 phone calls to Senators since Thursday.By Greg Sargent | August 9, 2010; 2:11 PM ET