Sarah Palin Attempts Jedi Mindtrick: Video Of Eyeroll Isn’t An Eyeroll
5:33 pm EST August 9th, 2010 | Republicans | 7 Comments The video circulating today of Sarah Palin rolling her eyes at a teacher is now being disputed by Palin (Or more precisely, her ghostwriter):
The LSM has now decided to use this brief encounter for another one of their spin operations. They claim I – wait for it – “appear to roll my eyes” when the lady tells me she’s a teacher. Yes, it’s come to this: the media is now trying to turn my eyebrow movements into story lines. (Maybe that’s why Botox is all the rage – if you can’t move your eyebrows, your “eye rolling” can’t be misinterpreted!) If they had checked their facts first, they would have known that I come from a family of teachers; my grandparents were teachers, my father was a teacher, my brother is a teacher, my sister works in Special Needs classrooms, my aunt is a school nurse, my mom worked as a school secretary for much of her professional life, we all volunteer in classrooms, etc., etc., etc. Given that family history, how likely is it that I would “roll my eyes” at someone telling me that they too work in that honorable profession? Stay classy, LSM.
Of course, Sarah Palin did in fact roll her eyes at the mention of the woman’s occupation of “teacher” but she’s backpedaling now and telling her minions to ignore what their own liberally-biased eyes showed them