Obama in a Word
Good is the word that people use most frequently to describe Obama. In a separate
survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, conducted Aug.5-8 among
1,002 adults, 49 say that good is the word that first comes to mind in describing Obama.
Other words used frequently are trying (mentioned by 36 respondents) and
disappointing (32).
The word good is used more
frequently to describe
Obama than in previous
surveys. In a survey in
January, in which 740
respondents were asked to
give a one-word description
of Obama, 18 mentioned
good; in April 2009 (asked
of a sample of 742), 29 used
that word. Mentions of
trying also have increased –
from 12 in April 2009 to 21
in January and 36 in the
current survey.