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Joe Conason: The Racists Return

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babylonsister Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-11-10 08:26 AM
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Joe Conason: The Racists Return
Edited on Wed Aug-11-10 08:29 AM by babylonsister

By Joe Conason
August 10, 2010 | 7:04 p.m
The Racists Return

Among the most revealing aspects of life during the Obama presidency is the panoply of responses to a black family in the White House. What made so many of us proud of our country on Jan. 20, 2009, has increasingly provoked expressions of hatred from the far right. That is troubling, but not nearly as troubling as the behavior of conservatives who excuse, embolden or simply pretend to ignore the bigots surrounding them.


But this summer has seen several loud and ugly outbursts of very real racism-including threats of violence against the president of the United States-that go well beyond the utterance of any single word. As if suffering from a facial tic, leading figures on the right cannot seem to suppress their inner Klansman these days.

Is there any other way to explain Glenn Beck's crazed rant comparing the Obama administration to an old movie about a society where apes and chimpanzees dominate humans? What did the Fox News host mean, exactly, when he shrieked: "It's like the damned Planet of the Apes. Nothing makes sense!" Is there any other way to explain the grotesque new best seller by radio host Laura Ingraham, The Obama Diaries, where, among other things, she depicts first lady Michelle Obama eating ribs at every meal? Why would she feel the need to describe the president as "uppity" by putting the word in the mouth of his mother-in-law? No wonder Stephen Colbert taunted Ms. Ingraham to her face for "hideous and hackneyed racial stereotyping."

Of course, these are only two of the more egregious instances in recent weeks of social poisoning that dates back well over a year. Symptoms can be seen across the country now, even in amusement parks and church carnivals, where small children are exposed to this spiritual sickness.


Most conservatives were late in taking responsibility for their movement's immoral opposition to civil rights. It is time for them to step up and denounce the racism that is again disfiguring our country in their name.
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RandomThoughts Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-11-10 08:32 AM
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1. Racism is used to hide truths, if people see racism they make decisions
and thoughts based on nothing. And from that make bad decisions.

I ignore seeing things by racial thoughts, and ignore thinking race is what anything is about, although many context try to get people to think that way.

That thought made Charles Manson do terrible things, and millions of other people have fallen to the delusions of racism.

If you see past racism there are some beutiful thoughts in many things, although the racism block tries to take things for themselves, even things like colors or words about colors.

Although I have posted on some concepts like possible thoughts about racism in planet of the apes before also. I think that misses many concepts when seen that way.
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depakid Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-11-10 08:37 AM
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2. After what was done to Ms. Sherrod, I expect it to get a whole lot worse in America
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Brewman_Jax Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-11-10 09:02 AM
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3. They never left
they just can't keep themselves under control. The thought of a black man as President is just too much for some. :shrug:
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Vogon_Glory Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-11-10 09:08 AM
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4. Conservatives Take Responsibility? Bwahahahahahahah!
Conservatives take responsibility? Conservatives take responsibility for their immoral opposition to civil rights? Conservatives take responsibility for ANYTHING?



The sorry crew that constitutes the leadership of "Movement Conservatism" and all too many of their followers don't do responsibility. They don't practice it, and unlike some conservatives from previous generations, they don't take responsibility for racism, deficits, institutional corruption, or anything.

The sorry crew that constitutes the leadership of "Movement Conservatism" will be lying and denying about what they did for the rest of their lives and will be trying to excuse their actions and behavior when they're called to account in the hereafter.


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