Way back in the 70s I was in the Labour Party in the UK. Our local 'ward' party chose the candidate for local elections to city council or county council They were interviewed by a panel of Labour members including the Chair and Deputy Chair, allowed to give a little speech and the local party would make their decision.
MPs were chosen by the constituency party and again interviewed, allowed to give a little speech and informed of the result.
The candidates were in place months before the election so that they could gain a lot of ground and focus on the opponent not squabbling amongst themselves. There was no need to spend any money so all the funds could go to the election campaign. No PRIMARIES! Wouldn't we save ourselves a lot of money?
If our local party here in the states chose a candidate it would be a very progressive one. On the whole clubs/local parties tend to be activists and know the best fit and history of the candidate.
How do you think the democratic political landscape would change here?
I dug out a paper from a journal below