For full disclosure, I am not disappointed with Obama. He has done a few things to piss me off and not taken on some issues that I feel should have been top priority but overall I am satisfied.
That being said, I would have had different expectations two years and two months ago, before the financial shakedown occurred, but have tempered expectations based upon that event.
So if not continuing down the path that has been followed for the last seventeen months what then? Again serious question and expect serious answers based upon reality not based upon a perfect world.
Some examples of reality; media controlled by corporate interests making change difficult, (reference HC debate where limited or no media attention given to factually investigating Death Panels, why does Canadian HC suck, why don't Canadians say it sucks, why every verifiable cost benefit analysis rates US so poorly, why U.S. residents subsidize Big Pharma) U.S. public more interested in Michael Jackson, Britney Spears, American Idol, Lindsey Lohan, with extremely short term goals and attention spans.