Is the Tea Party Express Alaska Poll Real?
— By Kate Sheppard
| Tue Aug. 10, 2010 9:46 AM PDT
On Monday, the Tea Party Express sent out an email blast touting a supposed surge by Joe Miller, the group's preferred candidate in the Alaska Republican senate primary. Miller, the email said, was quickly narrowing the gap with incumbent Republican Lisa Murkowski.
The last public poll had Murkowski crushing Miller by 32 points. But the Tea Party Express says this latest, unnamed poll in Alaska finds Miller within just 9 points a few days before the August 24 primary.
There's one glaring problem, however: outside of the Tea Party Express email, I can't find any evidence that the latest poll even exists. I called Miller's campaign, and his spokesman couldn't tell me who conducted the poll. It's not even linked to on Miller's own website. I would try to contact the Tea Party Express, but every link on the group's website takes you back to the homepage where you're asked to donate, including the link for "Contact" information.
Miller, an attorney with little name recognition, recently got the stamp of approval from former half-term Republican Gov. Sarah Palin, which may account for a jump in the polls. On Monday, he also gained the backing of former Arkansas governor and one-time presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, which may give him an additional boost in certain conservative circles (and, as Politico points out, it's not often that a candidate gets an endorsement from both Palin and Huckabee). The Tea Party Express has made Miller their top priority candidate, along with Nevada candidate Sharron Angle. The group is already running ads in the state attacking "liberal" Lisa Murkowski, and have pledged to spend "hundreds of thousands of dollars" backing Miller in the race.
Perhaps it's no coincidence that the Tea Party Express is using this new "poll" to ramp up the fundraising push for Miller. From the email they sent out yesterday, which is also reprinted here: