Huffington Post:
Paul wants to cut federal funding for undercover drug investigations and drug treatment programs. Both are badly needed in Appalachia, a hotbed for marijuana growers and drug dealers selling prescription pills and methamphetamines. His Democratic opponent, Jack Conway, favors using federal money.
Desperate addicts in search of a fix have forced some drug stores in Kentucky's mountain region to lock pharmacists behind bulletproof glass and painkillers inside vaults.
Paul's campaign strategy requires winning all of Kentucky's rural vote, including Appalachia, and staying close in Louisville and Lexington, where voters tend to favor Democrats. Conway has been using the drug issue to whittle into Paul's rural base.
Conway said Kentucky, a small state suffering from budget cuts, can't afford to take on drug traffickers without federal help. Paul wants to limit federal involvement to drugs crossing state or national borders and hasn't said how local and state governments would pay for the rest. article, must read.