that, between Rand Paul, Sarah Palin and the so-called "Tea Party", the GOP has finally become so crazy that we've finally managed to find SOMETHING *nice* to say about GWB (who I used to consider the paragon of GOP stupidity and insanity). I don't know whether to laugh or cry (or puke)! His post-9/11 attempts to encourage religious tolerance and acceptance of peaceful muslims actually seemed genuine. However, of course, he ended up totally squandering all of that goodwill and tolerance by allowing the torturing, bombing, and killing of a whole bunch of them shortly thereafter in the inferno of his so-called "war on terror". His attempts at immigration reform later on seemed more of a footnote in his Presidency and would've benefited from the kind of attention that he gave to "Social Security Reform" but I guess I gotta give him props for trying to do something that, in retrospect, appears rather sensible when compared to Arizona's new "papers please" law and some Republicans' support of efforts to amend the 14th Amendment. Immigration reform seemed like it might be possible under President Obama and the Democrats during this session but, thanks to Graham's temper tantrum and GOP obstructionism and xenophobia, immigration reform is probably going to be dead in the water for awhile. The good news for Democrats is that it's going to drive the dwindling number of Hispanic GOP voters that GWB brought in out of the GOP and to the Democrats. Maybe, eventually, reason will finally triumph over bigotry.....maybe.