around the corner from Dr. Slepians office when i heard he had been assassinated by a Right to Life assassin at his home nearby.
Right to Life has been trying to Take Over Buffalo for months with their Spring of Life terror tactics, and we had been organizing through the Pro Choice Action Network trying to resist them. It was chaos, but we were holding our own. Still, we knew it was only a matter of time until they crossed the line int real violence. We all knew it was really coming. Every one of us knew they were capable of it. Every one of us was a potential target, and the doctors knew they were the most vulnerable.
We went toe to toe every day to physically block the protesters from getting near the patients entering and leaving doctors offices. We distracted them, got in their ways, argued with them to keep their attention directed at us, and did anything we had to do to keep women and their families safe.
In the end we couldn't do anything to protect a doctor from a fanatic. :(
I would never support blocking churches from being located anywhere. Even as an Atheist.
But blocking groups like Right to Life, that's different. I wholly support restrictions on where they should be allowed to organize and protest. Keep them away from Ob/gyn offices and doctor's homes. Keep them from stalking and harassing people anyone involved in providing or supporting family planning care.
Let's not mix these issues. That's a dangerous road to go down. :(