is that Republicans turned Democratic/left-wing opposition to Vietnam and Carter's failure to retrieve the hostages during the Iranian hostage crisis into "weak on national security" and I don't think that we've ever been able to successfully counter that. Of course, Democrats haven't been in office very many times since Carter (a combined total of 8-10 years now) nor have any of our Presidents used the military to launch any massive wars during their administrations since Vietnam.
Clinton used the military to thwart Serbian aggression in Bosnia (which was a success) and keep Saddam Hussein in check (which successfully knocked out his remaining WMD arsenal I might add) but neither of these instances were all-out "war" like what normally make people *orgasmic* about our Presidents and our military. The Republicans, of course, successfully smeared Clinton over the disaster over our military intervention in Somalia (which, interestingly enough, the Republicans demanded he "cut and run" from), the fact that he was an avowed draft dodger during Vietnam (see above), and/or that he was "wagging the dog" whenever he used the military- making him essentially unworthy of support for any of his military actions- notwithstanding the fact that neither Bush nor Cheney saw any combat either let alone actually served in the military themselves AFAWK.
Also, no Democratic administration to date has ever AFAWK supported, condoned, and/or advocated for torturing prisoners. Now, how/why a lot of people equivocate starting unnecessary "wars of choice", brutalizing prisoners, and indefinitely detaining terrorist suspects without allowing for a normal civilian trial with being "strong on national security" remains a TOTAL mystery to me. Supporting anything less than invading countries and kicking the s**t out of people we don't like seems to make one "weak on national security", I guess. :shrug: :eyes: :banghead: