I sent my ballot in 2 weeks ago.
This was from yesterday the same frame of time as OP's poll.
And this does not look good to date..
I will be damned pissed if we get stck with Rubio..that will not only be a disaster for Florida residents..it will be horrible for this country!
http://www.tampabay.com/news/politics/elections/article1115420.eceFlorida's senatorial candidates have voters undecided, annoyedBy Adam C. Smith and Beth Reinhard, Times/Herald Staff Writers
In Print: Sunday, August 15, 2010
In an election year already defined by surprises and shake-ups,
the St. Petersburg Times/Miami Herald/Bay News 9/Central Florida News 13 poll underscores the unpredictable Florida electorate. In the homestretch before the Aug. 24 primary, nearly one-third of Democrats have not made up their minds between Greene and Meek.
Looking ahead to Nov. 2 with Greene as the Democrat, voters only barely favor independent candidate Charlie Crist over Republican Marco Rubio, 32 percent to 30 percent, within the poll's margin of error.
Greene trails at 19 percent. If Meek wins the Democratic nomination, the picture looks slightly better for Crist. He beats Rubio 33 percent to 29 percent,
while Meek gets 17 percent. But in a potentially major advantage for Rubio, the poll of registered voters found that three-quarters of Republicans said they were certain to go the polls, while less than half of Democrats said they were a sure bet. The stronger motivation among Republican voters reflects polls nationwide and has boosted the party's hopes of taking back Congress in November.
"The big question for the Democrats is whether they're going to be able to reduce this gap and minimize it,'' said Ipsos Public Affairs pollster Julia Clark. "There's still some time to rally the troops."
The telephone survey of 602 registered voters was conducted Aug. 6-10 by Ipsos Public Affairs, a Washington, D.C.-based independent, nonpartisan research company. The margin of error was plus or minus 4 percentage points overall, 6.4 percentage points for questions based only on Democrats and 5.9 for those based only on Republicans.
An Aug. 9-11 Mason-Dixon poll showed markedly different results. Among likely Democratic primary voters, Meek was crushing Greene, 40 percent to 26 percent. For the general election, the poll showed Rubio leading with 38 percent, compared to 33 percent for Crist and 18 percent for Meek. It had a margin of error of plus or minus four percent.