I too ran into them at a post office today. I'll admit it--I'm not much of an Obama fan and have my issues with him (I know I'm probably in the minority here--liked Hillary in 08 and I won't get into my specifics of why I'm not high on Obama). I had never heard of LaRouche until today.
Being that I'm not as experienced as some of you folks (both in age and in the political world), I went to see what this booth was about. The guy shook my hand, told me some stuff that I had heard before in mainstream media, and then went on to mention something about Helium 3 from the moon, condemning wind power in the process. (I happen to be a huge supporter of both wind and solar power). The dude wouldn't let me go unless I donated! He demanded I give them $10. I explained to him that I was a college student (probably a mistake based on what I read today online after this happened!) and that I couldn't give much. I eventually gave him $2 just to shut him up. He also took my name, address, and e-mail (I refused to give out my phone number) and gave me a bunch of bogus literature--this old issue of a Scientific American wannabe magazine and these flyers he suggested I give to my local congressman (whom I know, and I know he would dismiss them as being garbage--Britain is our enemy and needs to be wiped out?!? Yeah right, and if that's true, Al Gore may as well be a supporter of dino oil over green alternatives). The dude told me to invite everyone to come so he could raise $1000.
I bolted from that place as soon as I could. I lost $2, but it's better than losing $10. Then I got home and looked up LaRouche, whose name was on some of these flyers. The more I read the less I wanted to know. I wrote to Mr. King, who runs a site detailing the evilness of these activities, to get some answers about what to do from here.
Mr. King told me not to panic and that the worst they'd probably do is call. Considering I never gave them my phone number, this seems likely. Junk mail doesn't bother me, as it just goes in the recycling bin, and junk e-mail is even easier to filter. However, I'm still concerned about these guys--what if they come to my door or something? They have my home address. And what happens with my name now that they have some piece of paper I filled out and the $2 they siphoned from me?
I'm also kicking myself over the loss of that $2. Not because I lost $2, which I can easily earn back tomorrow at work, but because of the guy it's supporting. I don't support anything of his--I may not like Obama much, but he's definitely not Hitler! And I definitely am NOT in the mood for supporting cults, anti-environment programs, or guys who bash certain groups of people for no reason!
Should I be worried about these guys coming to my house, especially since they have no telephone contact for me? They don't know my age on that form, but I don't want to be affiliated with these guys at all! Should I take some sort of measure to have that piece of paper I filled out destroyed? Perhaps a cease-and-desist sent certified? The $2 can disappear forever as far as I'm concerned, it's the affiliation/mailing list/propaganda/whatever they want to do with me I don't want!
Sorry for panicking, but I'm young and haven't been through anything like this. Thankfully I was wise enough to look things up so I could seek advice. Anything to ease my anxiety/help me get out of this jam would be appreciated.
(At the very least, perhaps I can help others avoid these guys next time I'm at the post office...maybe it was a life lesson worth $2, which is still cheaper than college?)