Rand Paul has shown himself completely out of touch with those who police our streets, put out our fires and teach our children. His eternal quest to "starve the beast" and force state and local governments to rely on their own resources for everything has turned quite a few heads. One group that isn't buying it is Kentucky's Fraternal Order of Police. You see, Rand Paul simply does not understand how police agencies across the state rely upon the federal government to keep policemen and women employed and on the streets.
RDemocrat :: Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Endorses Jack Conway
Today, they gave a more than ringing endorsement to Jack Conway in the Kentucky Senate race. It really should come as no surprise as Conway has been an effective Attorney General and Rand Paul clearly showed his ignorance on how police agencies operate:
The Louisville Democrat "is right on target" when it comes to law enforcement issues, said FOP president Michael "Spike" Jones, assistant police chief in Covington.
"We feel like Jack is going to do his utmost to support us," Jones said.
He said Conway has been a "strong and effective" attorney general, cracking down on cybercrime and prescription drug abuse.
http://cincinnati.com/blogs/nk... Jones went on to tell one instance that demonstrates why the ideology of Rand Paul would be so dangerous to Kentucky and cause a loss of jobs for police agencies:
After a man was killed and two were wounded in a shooting in City Heights on July 27, he said Covington police used federal funds to pay overtime in order to boost staff in City Heights and stabilize the area.
Without federal and state funds, "we'd be laying off police officers," Jones said.
For his part, Conway ripped into Paul on his extreme ideology and the fact that he just does not know what the hell he is talking about:
"Rand Paul would handcuff local law enforcement when it comes to dealing with the drug problem, especially in Eastern Kentucky," Conway said. "...Rand Paul just doesn't get it. He doesn't get Kentucky. He doesn't get, or understand, this issue."
In his vicious march to "starve the beast" Rand Paul wants to forget that many basic local services such as police depend upon that "beast" to help employ the folks that keep our streets safe. His misled ideology would lead to chaos if enacted as local and state governments went bankrupt and operated on a bare minimum. This ideology is not only idiocy it is quite dangerous to our country. Rand Paul's state and local supremacy ideas have been tried before, and the Articles of Confederation had to be scrapped for a new Constitution which instituted a federal system.
Does Rand Paul really think he knows more about government than our founding fathers?? Apparently he does.
Go here and end the dangerous run of Rand Paul: