Please hear me out, because the fights here at DU are mirroring that of the worst and best in our country. There are DUers from NYC who say that the rest of the country simply does not understand their anguish as they commute past the rubble. There are DUers a thousand miles away from NY who want to chuck the Constitution in order to be "sensitive."
First, a community center has been proposed, not a mosque. A quite-respectable* group of people led by a well-known gentleman are planning to rehab an abandoned building in an area that currently boasts a pornography shop and a strip-tease club.
What is so hard to understand about it being a community center? Or is it that some very vocal people simply cannot stand the thought of Those People being anywhere in the city? Well, they live there and they're your neighbors, and they didn't make the hole in the ground. Some of Those People died in the Towers as well. New York is probably the most diverse city on the planet. It houses large numbers of everyone from everywhere. Those People are New Yorkers too, and many are US citizens as well.
I'm not disrespecting the emotions that New Yorkers or anyone else may have about the heinous crime that took place. But there's churches around the area. Should we ask them to go away because in the past their antecedents committed heinous acts like the Spanish Inquisition and Salem witch trials? The porn shop and strip joint are both legit businesses, but in my opinion (and probably that of all the faithful be they Muslim or Christian or Jew) very sleazy enterprises. Should they be ordered out, as inappropriate?
There is a lot I don't understand about the Post-911 mindset (although I observed GW Bush and Friends manipulate fear and loathing for all they were worth for a decade). I don't understand how Americans, who are the most enterprising engineers on the planet, and New Yorkers who are the most business-oriented -- how could they/we have NOT rebuilt on that site. If I understand correctly, there is still nothing there but rubble. Why?
This isn't about grief -- it's about malaise. It's about defeat.
Americans build! It's what we do! When tornadoes level towns, the Americans bury their dead and build anew. When rivers flood, Americans mourn, dig out and rebuild. When roads are covered by rockslides, the County sends bulldozers and construction crews and the roads are cleared and traffic flows -- Americans don't go walking by 10 years later saying, "There used to be a road here."
It's only since George W. Bush squatted in the White House that we don't take charge and build anew like that. 9-11 happened on his watch. New Orleans drowned on his watch. The culture of Minerals Management was set by Bush's appointees so that the Gulf oil gusher happened on the next president's watch.
Why has the World Trade Center not been rebuilt? Perhaps if New Yorkers were to see new life taking hold there, they would start to feel better about themselves -- and about others. Perhaps New Yorkers would start to feel like they were not defeated on 9-11. That neither NY nor America was destroyed, only injured, and that they (and the US) can and will recover.