Revenge is a dish best served cold. Lucky for us, the November 2nd elections are far enough away for our outrage to become cold, calculating and career-ending for certain politicians. We have time to sense their fear, time to watch them flail helplessly. And we have time to strike with a ferocity last seen in JAWS.
They will never see us coming. After all, the politicians whose policies destroyed our lives think we're "lazy" ... "drug users" ... and "hobos." They are counting on us to be docile as lambs and so depressed we'll stay in bed on Election Day. Well, here's a news flash for them and the folks at FOX News: America's jobless are tougher, more tenacious and totally focused on one thing – getting back to work. We want jobs. We want to rebuild our lives. We want to enjoy the fruits of our labor. And we want to see our families and our Nation prosper once again.
But first, we have to shred the Coalition of the Heartless. We have to eviscerate the politicians – Republican senators and representatives and a few misguided Democrats – who voted en bloc against every effort to aid the jobless.
Ripping apart the Coalition of the Heartless will not be easy but it can be done. The greedy bastards who sunk our economy – the bankers, brokers and hedge fund managers – are pouring billions of dollars into the midterm elections. They are underwriting massive efforts to raise public anger to a fever pitch by denigrating President Barack Obama, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Harry Reid.
Unbelievably, those greedy bastards expect the unemployed, if we vote at all, to vote in a blind rage for their hand-picked candidates. Alternatively, if we don’t go vote, they know that the Coalition of the Heartless can control the next Congress. Heads they win; tails we lose, once again.