I haven't seen this posted other than buried in various Pakistan articles. So, I thought it was worth posting.
How you can help: Text "SWAT" to 50555 from your phone to give $10 and help the flood victims in Pakistan.
The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) has partnered with mGive again to allow mobile contributions for the flood victims in Pakistan.
UNHCR emergency response teams are distributing tents, relief supplies, and humanitarian assistance to an estimated 200,000 people displaced by the recent flooding.
Last week's torrential rain and the following flash floods have affected more than 1.5 million people in Northwestern Pakistan. Water-borne disease is a major concern at this time.
http://blogs.state.gov/ap/index.php/site/entry/text_swat_to_50555_pakistani_flood_victimsThis link has a link within it to SoS Clinton's statement.