Cordoba House. An Islamic community center and place of prayer placed within the caverns of New York City, one of most international cities in the world. Its sits on a nondescript block of Manhattan within walking distance but out of sight of saddening scar on our nation's face.
At one level, I could understand all the hubbub if the planned new arrival was placed on the grounds what was the World Trade Center. That's the way that certain commentators and legislators, mainly of the conservative bent, have characterized it. However, the real facts point to something that has disturbed me greatly ever since 2001.
The attacks of September 11, 2001 we're sickening, saddening. It is a day that brings a profound reaction to me. Over 3,000 lives ended by mainly a small group of people who twisted faith and protest to an end led mainly by a rich Saudi brat who was rebelling against his parents.
But a worst thing happened. A small cabal of people, led mainly by a rich Texas brat who had some father issues, did worse. They called for the American Way Of Life to go forward, while fundamentally changing the American way, to their own ends.
They went about suspending our constitution. They said that torture was okay. They said that violate civil liberties is okay. They said taking away due process was okay. They said invading a sovereign nation that had done nothing to us was okay. They say that an ongoing war in two theaters, already at the price of nearly 4,500 Americans with maybe many times that wounded or permanently disabled is okay.
All due to the pimping of a sad day in our times.
For 9 years, some very powerful interests have been pimping Septemeber 11, 2001, Cordoba House is just the latest victim, and its an easy target. Do you really think its been easy being Muslim in the nation for the last 9 years? Its funny how we seem to be looking Al-Queda everywhere, but we still can't find them anywhere. Maybe we don't want to find them, after all there is profit in pimping. All this pimping is keeping the yellow ribbon makers happy. Its certainly kept Karl Rove in this news, like we really need what he has to say. Its given more power to the "Obama is a damn Moo-Leem" crowd. Its dire, sick and wrong and now it rears it ugly head again.
Lets look at the scoreboard again. Patriot Act. Guantanamo. Abu Gharib. Afghanistan. Iraq. Possible permanent bases in both. The rich Saudi brat is still at large. The rich Texas brat is pretty off scot free now. All due in large part to the pimping of September 11, 2001.
And now we're the letting the bastards pimp again. We're letting them use the memories of many loved ones lost again. We're giving them the pretext to scapegoat some, and be brave with other men's and women's bodies again.